17th January 2025

SAHPRA – DUPLICITOUS & SECRETIVE: What Don’t They Want Us To Know?


At long last, the appeal committee hearing between Free the Children – Save the Nation and the South African Health Products Regulatory Authority (SAHPRA) regarding the use of “Covid-19 vaccines” for children kicked off on Friday 11 February 2022.

Deprived of any meaningful information to date, the eager media and public were kept waiting while the legal teams for both parties argued freedom of access to the deliberations. And when the veil was finally drawn back, it revealed SAHPRA’s legal team, looking much like cartoon characters careering all over a potholed gravel road as they avoided transparency. They argued that Advocate Lukhele, who had presented his credentials at the pre-trial meeting on Wednesday 8th February 2022, was only there with a watching brief. This was never disclosed, and his subsequent behaviour in challenging the ruling by the chairperson, Advocate Tembeka Ngcukaitobi SC, that SAHPRA must lead their evidence first and that the public be allowed free access to all non-confidential information, was not, in fact, SAHPRA’s actual position. In view of the evidence in correspondence from Marivate Attorneys Incorporated, in Advocate, Lukhele’s own actions, and those of his team who allowed his conduct to go unchecked, all demand closer scrutiny at the appropriate time and correct forum.

SAHPRA’s recently appointed advocates, Ms Pillay and Mr Mtsweni took over proceedings from Advocate Lukhele and initially tried to postpone the hearing because they had only been briefed by SAHPRA the previous day. This was firmly denied by Advocate Nqcukaitobi. After agreeing that the public should be present, SAHPRA’s team went into contortions trying to justify why the full record of decision had not been handed over and why it was not the responsibility of SAHPRA to do so. Their convoluted argument revolved around it being the responsibility of Free the Children to obtain it from Pfizer, which allegation was roundly rubbished and sunk by Advocate Willis, acting on behalf of Free the Children.

Advocate Willis then made the case for the appeal to succeed on the basis that SAHPRA had defaulted by their non-performance and that the approval of the “Covid-19 vaccines” for children be withdrawn.

This proved to be a bridge too far for the chairperson, despite the generally and publicly known evidence that conducting medical trials on children in order to test the efficacy and effectiveness of “Covid-19 vaccines” is not in the best interest of children and that there are more harms than benefits from these “Covid-19 vaccines”.

The parties then debated the merits of postponing the matter as it was clear that both parties needed more time to properly prepare, especially because of the delays expected in prising the missing bundle and evidence from Pfizer out of SAHPRA’s hands.

Although it is extremely regrettable that the matter has now been postponed until 31st May, the chairperson has agreed to consider a written submission for the suspension of the approval of the “Covid-19 vaccines” until such time as this appeal and any subsequent legal challenges have been finalised. The legal team of Free the Children will be diligently following this course of action and lodge such an urgent application very soon.

It is a human tragedy, especially for children, that SAHPRA casually and callously fight tooth and nail to prevent open and transparent exposure of the evidence they purport to have used to evaluate and then approve the use of novel ‘Covid-19 vaccines’,” stated John Taylor, chief executive of Free the Children.

Free the Children – Save the Nation NPC (“Free the Children”) is a non-profit company acting in the public interest, focused, in this instance, on protecting the medical and constitutional rights of children.