13th January 2025

RESPONSE TO GROUND UP: Press Impartiality Questioned


Cape Town, South Africa – February 8, 2022: Freedom of expression and a free press ought to be one of the most important cornerstones of democracy, and as firmly enshrined as the doctrine of “innocent until proven guilty”. However, in the era of Covid, these principles have been sacrificed by the very institutions that the general public used to trust for balanced and accurate reporting of events.

In reality, mainstream media has now established a track record of support for the narratives peddled by “the establishment”. Unbridled censorship, vitriolic ad hominem attacks, divisive hate speech, pejorative labelling, distortion and misrepresentation of data, lack of perspective and unbiased evaluation of risk/reward and cost/benefit analysis are their weapons of choice.

It is time to turn to truth and expose those espousing untruths.

The recent editor’s comments published in the financially compromised Ground Up journal are a case in point. A simple DuckDuckGo search reveals that many of their funders and sponsors are important members of “the establishment”.

Not able to present any cogent or coherent comments and rebuttal of the children’s Covid-19 vaccination case being laid before the Minister of Health’s appeal committee, Ground Up has engaged in a smear campaign of name-calling and misrepresentation.

To assign the pejorative term “anti-vaxxer” demonstrates the insecurity of their views, as does “a sinister bunch of people”. Long on rhetoric and short on facts leaves them no alternative but ad hominem attacks, the refuge of the bully boy.

As clearly articulated in the Children’s Bill of Rights, the rights of children are of paramount importance and their protection is guaranteed by the courts as their upper guardian. The evidence is clear and unequivocal that healthy children are virtually 100% immune to Covid-19 and the risks of adverse events and death following immunisation with “Covid-19 vaccines” far outweigh any benefits.

Ground Up takes delight in slandering and besmirching the good names and reputations of our two committee members, going so far as to label their views as “pseudoscientific”. We would welcome the presentation of evidence to back up their slanderous assertions so that these can be exposed in the court of public opinion – and possibly in a court of law.

One can but speculate as to why Ground Up studiously avoid casting aspersions on the two committee members appointed by SAHPRA as both Professors Karim and Gray are well known for their extensive connections to both Big Pharma and Big Business, surely compromising their impartiality to be on the appeal committee.

It would be interesting to know on what foundation this house of straw is built, as they seem to have an inside track to the evidence and pleadings of the state and have drawn their own conclusions based thereon. One wonders how they came into possession of these documents.

The standing of every adult and organisation aligned with the goal of protecting any child from harm surely entitles us to approach the Minister and the courts to ensure such protection is ensured, not just today, but forever.

Free the Children – Save the Nation NPC (“Free the Children”) is a non-profit company acting in the public interest, focused, in this instance, on protecting the medical and constitutional rights of children.

Issued by: Free the Children – Save the Nation NPC