Implications Of Truckers’ Stand

The mainstream media’s low key and indifferent coverage of the jackboot measures of the Trudeau regime’s treatment of Canadian citizens stands in stark contrast to its usual hyperventilation over any issue that involves race or discrimination such as the George Floyd and Kyle Rittenhouse cases in the US.
To date this week, The Mercury has avoided the issue. Yet Trudeau’s human rights violations are unprecedented in the post-WW2 Western world. The use of terrorism legislation against non-violent citizens typifies the response of Marxist and Third World regimes. It unmasks the totalitarian nature of Trudeau who is on record as expressing admiration for Beijing’s “ability to get things done.”
Freezing protesters’ bank accounts, suspending truckers’ insurances and licences, removing their fuel, euthanizing their pets, using heavily armed enforcers to coerce an end to the protest, leaves no doubt that Trudeau prioritises control and power above natural, constitutional, democratic and human rights.
Also appalling is the silence of countries that ostensibly embrace human rights. Not a word out of the Biden administration or the UK where Canada is listed as Queen Elizabeth’s most visited and favourite Commonwealth state.
It is significant that in declaring his jackboot measures, Trudeau never mentioned Covid or the vax. Yet that is what the protest movement is about: the rejection of mandates, lockdowns and restrictions that are unjustified because they have no scientific basis.
Trudeau’s kragdadigheid along with that of Ardern in New Zealand and several premiers of Australian states is indicative of the Orwellian direction of those who masquerade as liberal democrats. Their agenda clearly despises and dismisses the voices of the people and of scientists not beholden to Big Pharma’s narrative.
The wider implications of the Canadian truckers’ initiative, bravery and perseverance, now being reinforced by truckers from the US, cannot be overstated: they constitute a vital stand for freedom against the tyranny of the new world order.