17th February 2025

Whilst one would like to believe that the DA’s shadow minister of Health, Michele Clark, is conscientious about her portfolio, it is disappointing to note from her interview in Biznews of October 4, that the DA strongly supports the Covid jab.

In support of that, she cites the opinions of public health experts and plays down the extent to which complaints about adverse effects from the jab have been reported. From those submissions, however, it would appear that the DA’s research on the subject  is somewhat deficient.

There are three primary reasons why what are promoted as vaccines for Covid-19 should be critically considered: (1) none of them was subjected to the standard testing duration and their roll-out was hastened by political and Big Pharma pressure; (2) it is an admitted fact that having the jab does not produce immunity; (3) widespread experience shows that Covid re-infection occurs.

Beyond the above irrefutable arguments against the Covid jab, what should also raise grave doubts is the secretiveness of Pfizer about the contents of the jab. Until January this year, Pfizer had refused to disclose that data until 2096. But a Federal court judge ruled that by August it had to have released all 360,000 pages of that data which, inter alia, has revealed more than 1,000 possible adverse effects.

In researching the opinions of public health experts, it is vital to ascertain their funding sources. The South African Health Products Regulatory Authority (SAHPRA) receives funding from the Bill Gates Foundation which promotes the jab, hence SAHPRA endorses the jab narrative. The same applies to Professor Salim Abdool Karim. He is a member of the World Health Organisation which is 50% funded by Big Pharma and of course promotes the Covid jab.

If the DA’s research had combed through the CDC monthly reports of vaccine adverse effects, it would have noted the rising number of deaths (now over 30,000) and serious adverse effects exceeding 257,000. Although that data is known to be very much an understatement of the negative effects of the jab, it is corroborated by rising death rates in heavily vaxxed states like Israel, the UK and Australia.

In the light of the above, one hopes the DA revises its Covid jab policy.