10th February 2025

Censorship Is The Aim Of Internet Boundaries


Wesley Diphoko’s apparent endorsement of the need for “internet boundaries” (Business Report, September 3) is very disappointing as it shows his lack of understanding of the real reasons states like Brazil, Canada, France, the UK, New Zealand and elsewhere are applying so-called boundaries.

The first thing to appreciate in what is the information war is that the word “boundaries” is a cover word for censorship. The motive of the globalists is to shut down information and views which dissent from their narratives. That is precisely why the corrupt Lula regime in Brazil has shut down Musk’s  social media platform. It is to deny his opposition the means of mobilising against him by disseminating truths about his regime. Lula’s draconian action exemplifies what former New Zealand prime minister Jacinda Ardern declared on March 19, 2020: “Government is the single source of truth.”

Significantly, laws censoring freedom of speech apply only to issues which the globalists have declared sacrosanct – vaccines, climate change, global warming, open borders, abortion, Critical Race Theory and the dictates of the World Economic Forum. Those who have arrogated to themselves the right to decide what is “misinformation” are silent about totalitarianism, religious desecration, immorality, pornography, human trafficking and drug cartels.

The sudden acceleration of censorship of the internet, exemplified by the arrest in France of Telegram boss, Pavel Durov and the banning of in Brazil, has everything to do with the globalists’ fear of Trump returning to the White House. Allied now with his two free speech warriors, Elon Musk and RF Kennedy, the globalists fear their Orwellian designs are about to be upended. After all, as John Milton declared centuries ago: “Whoever knew truth put to the worst in a free and open encounter?”