Biden Displays The Left’s Paranoia

White House resident Joe Biden’s exhortation that Donald Trump be “politically locked out” (Washington Times, October 23) is symptomatic of the paranoia the globalist Left is displaying at the prospect of Trump’s victory on November 5.
The reason for their alarm is that Trump’s Maga movement constitutes a wrecking ball for the globalist, elitist system that has exercised power in the US for more than 60 years.
Trump is not running against Kamala Harris. He is running against an establishment which is implacably opposed to him and what he represents.
That grouping is what he identifies as “the enemy within.” It is openly committed to emasculating the Constitution, destroying the social fabric through mass, unvetted immigration and un-American lawfare against its opponents.
The 2024 election is a battle between “We the People” and Orwellian globalism.