17th February 2025

Afriforum opposed to ‘Kill the Boer’ chant at EFF 10th anniversary celebration


Afriforum lawyers and members including Ernst Roets outside the court.

Afriforum has expressed its opposition to the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) leader Julius Malema’s chanting of the “Kill the Boer” song during the party’s 10th-anniversary rally.

The controversial chants were made during Malema’s closing speech at the FNB Stadium in Johannesburg over the weekend.

Afriforum had previously accused the EFF of using hate speech, but the Equality Court dismissed the case in 2017. The organization, however, is currently challenging the court’s ruling.

The current legal dispute was confirmed by Ernst Roets, Chief Executive for Strategy at Afriforum, who said, “The matter has been heard in the High Court, and there was a ruling on this last year, and the matter is going on appeal, so it will be going to the SCA in September.”

“The question is whether singing the hymn ‘murder the boer, kill the farmer’ constitutes hate speech. Malema does not have the right to sing this song because the case is still pending and is being litigated,” according to Roets.


Judge Edwin Molahlehi determined last year that the song “Kill/Kiss the Boer” had a major impact on South African political vocabulary by expressing annoyance with the ANC’s shortcomings ever since the nation won democracy.

The judge emphasized that the reading of the song should be taken into account in light of Malema’s political views, which support drastic economic transformation and land reform.

The judge stated that the song “assisted Malema in his dialogue with the state” and assisted the EFF leader in defining the perspective of the party on national economic policies. As the court case moves forward to the Supreme Court of Appeal in September, the issue around the song continues to spark intense discussion.

EFF welcomes decision of the court in dismissing AfriForum’s case on “Dubul’ iBhunu” song